پرسش درباره نتیجه آزمایش - پرسش 338768
- سعید شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش) تعداد بازدید: 67 مثانهسلام بنده 27سالمه چندی پیش متوجه شدند توموری در مثانه اینجانب دیده شده و ازطریق سیستوسکوپی تومور برداشته و به پاتولوژی فرستادند که جواب ها به صورت عکس برایتان ارسال میکنم میخواستم ببینم احتمال عود یا بازگشت وجود دارد و خطر تهدید کننده عمرم میباشد یا قابل درمان است
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شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
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شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
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شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
باسلام این دوعکس است
شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
باسلام عکس ها انگار آپلودنمیشود متن دوازمایش واستون ارسال کردم لطفاً پاسخ دهید ممنون
پذیرش : ۱۴۰۳/۰۶/۰۳ شماره پذیرش ۹۴-۰۶ سن ۲۸ سال شماره نام مراجعه کننده : آقای سعید خسروی
Specimen: The sample submitted for review and second opinion consists of one slide and one paraffin block labeled as 74911 from Asgarieh Hospital pathology laboratory which specified as "TUR of bladder".
Microscopic: Histologically a small fragment of urothelial epithelium is seen in which the epithelium is composed of several layers of transitional cells with large hyperchromatic nuclei and in some areas with vesicular nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The tumor does not invade the subepithelial connective tissue and smooth muscle layer invasion. Lymphovascular invasion is not seen.
Diagnosis: Consulting H&E-stained slides specified as "TUR of bladder":
Findings are suspicious for Low grade noninvasive Urothelial Carcinoma (low grade TCC)
Lamina propria invasion: Absent
Muscularis propria invasion: Absent
Lymphovascular invasion: Absent
Comment: Considering small sample size definite diagnosis is impossible. So,
clinicopathologic correlation is recommended.
۱۷ سپتامبر ۲۰۲۴
آزمایشگاه پاتوبیولوژی
بیمارستان تخصصی عسکریه
نام بیمار: سعید خسروی
Pathology Report:
Macroscopic description: The specimen consists of two pieces of creamy coloured, relatively soft tissue, totally measuring 0.5x0.3x0.2cm,
Microscopic description: The sections show papillary fronds & tissue fragments lined by hyperplastic epithelium placed on a librovascular care. Cell layers are increased and show patterns of papillary, solid, syncytial, and cluster of cells with occasionally spindle cells. These cells have occasionally mildly hyperchromatic ovaloid nuclei, and eosinophilic cytoplasm, but overall cytologic & architectural order is retained; tumoral cells are relatively similar in size, shape, and color; are evenly spaced among themselves; and are oriented in a similar plane in relation to the basement membrane. Mitosis are infrequent & limited to the basal layer. The chromatin pattern is homogeneous,
-Bladder lesion excision specimen (TURB):
DX: Findings are suggestive for papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP). For definite diagnosis and for R/O of differential diagnosis, IHC study (on paraffin-embedded block) is recommended.
COMMENT: Correlation of clinical, imaging, cystoscopic, and pathologic findings, and follow- up the patient is necessary and strongly recommended.
G -
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شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
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شنبه ۷ مهر ۳( 3 ماه پیش)
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